Immunization Requirements
Immunization and TB Compliance Updates
The University of California is committed to protecting the health and well-being of our students. As part of our ongoing commitment to campus-wide health and safety, UCR has implemented an immunization plan. All students are required to complete their immunization dates and submit proof of their immunization records for the UC required vaccines in their patient portal. You must take the TB Screening questions and complete any additional TB clearance requests if needed. Failure to comply will result in a registration hold. Please review the UC Immunization Policy.
Incoming Students
- Medical Clearance deadline: First attendance date
- Registration health holds are placed in R’Web for any required medical clearance that is non-compliant after first attendance date.
- Health holds will block registration and/or adding or dropping classes.
- Please allow ONE HOUR after required medical clearance are all compliant for the health hold to automatically release in R’Web.
Attention UC SHIP Enrolled Students: Please note that CVS Minute Clinics are billing immunizations as non-covered primary care visits. It's advisable not to use their services unless you're willing to pay out of pocket for non-covered health insurance visits. We suggest getting immunizations at UCR Student Health Services, Walgreens, Costco, Walmart, or Rite Aid.
Do you have a question? Submit immunization questions and comments through the patient portal. Choose Messages, create New Message and choose the "Immunization Mandate Staff" option.
Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) |
Two vaccines given at least 28 days apart, on or after your first birthday OR a titer (blood test) with lab results showing positive immunity. You must upload the actual lab results. Note: MMR and Varicella are live vaccines and must be given together at the same time or at least 28 days apart to meet requirement. |
Varicella (chickenpox) |
Two vaccines given at least 28 days apart, on or after your first birthday OR a titer (blood test) with lab results showing positive immunity. You must upload the actual lab results. Documented history of the Varicella disease is not sufficient proof of immunity and does not meet requirement. |
Tetanus, Diphtheria and Pertussis (Tdap) |
1 vaccine on or after your 11th birthday, then Tdap vaccine every 10 years. Tdap vaccines given prior to your 11th birthday will not meet this requirement. Dtap or Td vaccines do NOT meet this requirement. |
Meningococcal conjugate (Serogroups A, C, Y, & W-135) |
1 vaccine on or after age 16 for all students age 21 years or younger. |
TB Screening Questions |
Please note that revisions to the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) recommendations will be reflected in UC requirements for the subsequent academic term.
Seasonal Influenza and COVID-19 Opt-out Programs
The seasonal influenza and COVID-19 vaccine are always highly recommended. Flu vaccines are available in the new Student Health and Counseling Center. Visit the Patient Portal to schedule an appointment. Flu vaccines are available at local pharmacies and from your medical provider.
- UCR campus influenza and COVID-19 season will begin August 31 and will end May 31. Annual participation by all students must be completed in the patient portal before or on Nov. 1.
UC Seasonal Influenza Vaccination Program
How to meet UC influenza and COVID-19 programs compliance by vaccination (highly recommended):
- Log in to the patient portal use your UCR NetID
- Go to "Medical Clearances" section
- Choose "Influenza Vaccine" and/or COVID-19 Vaccine
- Click on "Add Immunization"
- Enter the "date" and "type of flu vaccine" and/or type of "COVID-19 Vaccine
- Click the "Done" button.
How to meet UC influenza and COVID-19 programs compliance by exemption declination
- Log in to the patient portal use your UCR NetID
- Go to "Medical Clearances" section
- Scroll to "Clearance Exemptions" at the bottom of the page
- Click the "Request for Exemption" button
- In “select clearance” drop down list choose "Influenza vaccine" and/or "COVID-19 vaccine", click "continue"
- Select "Reason" and choose “I have elected to decline influenza and/or COVID-19 vaccination for the current academic year.”
- Click "submit". Status "Approved" in the clearance exemption section.
- Influenza Information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- CDC Seasonal Influenza Vaccine Information
- Key Facts About Influenza
In addition to the required immunizations, UC strongly recommends the following groups of students also be vaccinated against:
- Human papillomavirus vaccine (for women and men through age 26 years)
- Hepatitis B vaccine (all students regardless of age)
- Meningococcal conjugate (students up to age 23)
- Meningococcal B (ages 16–23 who elect vaccination after discussion with their healthcare provider)
- Influenza vaccine (annual; all students regardless of age)
- Hepatitis A vaccine (all students regardless of age)
- Pneumococcal vaccine (for students with certain medical conditions, e.g., severe asthma, diabetes, or chronic liver or kidney disease)
- Poliovirus vaccine (if series not completed as a child)
- Vaccines for international travel, based on destination
- Submit immunization questions and comments through the patient portal. Choose Messages, create New Message and choose the "Immunization Mandate Staff" option.